BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY Heatherview Estate Extension 24 Home Owners Association (NPC) (the “Applicant”) brought an urgent application before the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria (the “Court”) seeking relief against the Respondents in the matter, being a group of 56 displeased members of the Applicant. The relief sought by the Applicant, included inter
SUMMARY Dr BJ de Klerk (“De Klerk“) and Mr MJ Ferreira (“Ferreira“) held equal membership interests in Plantsaam Bestuurdienste CC (“Plantsaam“) and equal shares in Benjo Eiendomme (Pty) Ltd (“Benjo”) (herein collectively referred to as the “Entities”). De Klerk and Ferreira were the only members and shareholders of the Entities.   Certain agricultural land was